- abrigo

«se queres um escudo impenetrável, permanece dentro de ti mesmo»

Monday, February 24, 2014


Não troco esta sensação de satisfação por nada. Realmente eu estava destinada a este país, a aproveitar de tudo isto na minha vida. Sentir determinada liberdade e livre de vergonhas e pudores! Estou tão mas tão feliz que nem existe forma de escrever isso em palavras. A minha vida levou uma lufada de ar fresco que eu nunca pensei que realmente acontecesse. Estava sufocada na minha bolha, e agora, agora já não há bolha! Thank you, that's the only thing that I can acually say to you. Hope that you are having an amazing time, just like me! I just did what no one was expecting, and it's amaziiiiiing! ~

You, you babyyyyyy AL,  Hope to see you soon! That was amazing. Told you that I would not forget about you. And you didn't either. 
My life is here, all of the rest, all of the things that I had in Portugal, that is just past that I really don't care about anymore. I will deal with it next year, I will make a surprise to everyone, wait for it! See you later alligatooooooor

P.S.: Raquel, I love you! 

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